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Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM)
NICAM is a Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), used as a Global Cloud Resolving Model (GCRM). A subkilometer-mesh global simulation is already performed using the K computer by Miyamoto et al. (2013). NICAM is first developed by H.Tomita (JAMSTEC; now at R-CCS, RIKEN) and M.Satoh (AORI, The Univ. of Tokyo) and maintained by NICAM developers in AORI, JAMSTEC, NIES, and R-CCS. Introduction papers of NICAM are Satoh et al. (2014, PEPS), Satoh et al.(2008, J.Comp. Physics), and Tomita and Satoh (2004, Fluid Dyn. Res.).
Papers related to NICAM are listed at Publications and also announced by the NICAM Facebook.
- Development started by H. Tomita and M. Satoh at Frontier Research System for Global Change (FRSGC), JAMSTEC.
- NICAM.15 released. See nicam.15_changes.pdf for details.
- NICAM.19 released.
- Fugaku