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top [2021/10/01 17:23] admintop [2023/10/26 15:02] (current) admin
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 ====== Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) ====== ====== Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) ======
 /*{{gallery>:public:gallery?600x600&nocache&random&=0&showname}}*/ /*{{gallery>:public:gallery?600x600&nocache&random&=0&showname}}*/
 +/* ===== About ===== */
 +NICAM is a Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), used as a Global Cloud Resolving Model (GCRM).
 +NICAM was first developed by H.Tomita (JAMSTEC; now at R-CCS, RIKEN) and M.Satoh (AORI, The Univ. of Tokyo) and is being maintained by [[Public:Developers|NICAM developers]] in [[|AORI]], [[|JAMSTEC]], [[|NIES]], and [[|R-CCS]]. Introduction papers of NICAM are [[|Satoh et al. (2014, PEPS)]], [[|Satoh et al.(2008, J.Comp. Physics)]], and [[|Tomita and Satoh (2004, Fluid Dyn. Res.)]]. 
 +Papers related to NICAM are listed at [[public:publications:year|publications]] and also announced by the [[|NICAM Facebook]].
 +{{:public:ico_gl00.png?150|Icosahedral grid (glevel-0)}}
 +{{:public:ico_gl01.png?150|Icosahedral grid (glevel-1)}}
 +{{:public:ico_gl02.png?150|Icosahedral grid (glevel-2)}}
 +{{:public:ico_gl03.png?150|Icosahedral grid (glevel-3)}}
 +{{:public:ico_gl04.png?150|Icosahedral grid (glevel-4)}}
 +{{:public:ico_gl05.png?150|Icosahedral grid (glevel-5)}}
 +A subkilometer-mesh global simulation was performed using the K computer by [[|Miyamoto et al. (2013)]]. 
 {{gallery>:public:gallery?450x450}} {{gallery>:public:gallery?450x450}}
 +See [[public:gallery:gallery|gallery]] for more images from NICAM simulations.
-===== About NICAM =====+/* 
 +===== History =====
-NICAM is a Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), used as a Global Cloud Resolving Model (GCRM). +**TODO: 記述の充実** 
-A subkilometer-mesh global simulation is already performed using the K computer by [[|Miyamoto et al. (2013)]]. NICAM is first developed by H.Tomita (JAMSTEC; now at AICS, RIKEN) and M.Satoh (AORI, The Univ. of Tokyo), and is now under development in cooperation with AORI, JAMSTEC, and AICS by the NICAM developers listed at [[|here]]Introduction papers of NICAM are [[|Satoh et al. (2014, PEPS)]][[|Satoh et al.(2008, J.Comp. Physics)]], and [[|Tomita and Satoh (2004, Fluid DynRes.)]]+ 
 +==== XXXX ==== 
 +  * Development started by H. Tomita and M. Satoh at Frontier Research System for Global Change (FRSGC), JAMSTEC
 +==== 2002 ==== 
 +  * The earth simulator at JAMSTEC started shared use. 
 +==== 2005 ==== 
 +  * A 3.5 km aqua planet experiment paper ([[|Tomita et al. 2005]]) was published. 
 +==== 2007 ==== 
 +  * A 3.5 km MJO experiment paper ([[|Miura et al. 2007]]) was published. 
 +==== 2011 ==== 
 +  * NICAM.10 released. 
 +==== 2012 ==== 
 +  * The K computer at RIKEN AICS started shared use. 
 +==== 2014 ==== 
 +  * NICAM.13 & NICAM.14 released. 
 +==== 2016 ==== 
 +  * NICAM.15 released ({{public:nicam.15_changes.pdf}})
 +==== 2018 ==== 
 +  * NICAM.17 released.
-Feb. 15, 2016: NICAM.15 released: See the brief summary : {{nicam.15_changes.pdf}}+==== 2019 ==== 
 +  * NICAM.18 released.
-Papers related to NICAM are listed at [[Publications]] and also announced by the [[|NICAM Facebook]].+==== 2020 ==== 
 +  * NICAM.19 released.
-**TODO: ここに開発や成果の歴史を追記していくようにすると腐らなくてよいかも** +==== 2021 ==== 
 +  The supercomputer Fugaku started shared use.
  • top.1633076630.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/10/01 17:23
  • by admin